中意博聯(lián)(CIML) 我們隊文化事業(yè)的熱誠從未停止,每個項目的結(jié)束都是全新的開始,我們一直在路上! 中意 博聯(lián) 掃一掃分享 立即制作 發(fā)布者:malixin 發(fā)布時間:2016-11-03 版權(quán)說明:該作品由用戶自己創(chuàng)作,作品中涉及到的內(nèi)容、圖片、音樂、字體版權(quán)由作品發(fā)布者承擔。 侵權(quán)舉報 我們隊文化事業(yè)的熱誠從未停止,每個項目的結(jié)束都是全新的開始,我們一直在路上!H5,H5頁面制作工具2016-2017China-Italy Museum League (Beijing) Culture Media C.,Ltd中意博聯(lián) 中意博聯(lián)(北京)國際文化傳播有限公司是一家是為促進中國和意大利友好關(guān)系,進而推動中意兩國以及東西方文化、藝術(shù)、教育交流而成立的一家專業(yè)的文化公司。我們是誰 Who we are?創(chuàng)意策劃活動會議咨詢服務藝術(shù)餐廳演出交流展覽展示藝術(shù)衍生品定制旅游我們做什么What we do?我們的新項目 Our new project LEONARDO EXPERIENCETHE PRESENT EXHIBITION TITLED “LEONARDO EXPERIENCE” IS THE FIRST EVER MADE EXHIBITION ENCOMPASSING THE WHOLE WORK LIFE OF THIS IMMENSE GENIUS OVER HIS 67 YEARS IN ONE MULTIMEDIA COLLECTION.最具代表性作品《蒙娜麗莎》達芬奇的廚房第一展區(qū)達芬奇的奇幻世界《大西洋古抄本》-集創(chuàng)作天賦與工程研究于一體的機械發(fā)明集錦懸空劇院豐富的社交活動區(qū)梅蘭芳京劇團李宏圖-常務團長 北京京劇院梅蘭芳劇團常務團長暨領(lǐng)銜主演,著名葉派小生,國家一級演員;中國戲劇家協(xié)會會員,農(nóng)工民主黨中央委員,中央電視臺特約演員,北京市青年聯(lián)合會委員;中國戲曲學院首屆京劇研究班畢業(yè)生;第十八屆中國戲劇梅花獎得主;文化部授予的優(yōu)秀專家稱號并享受國務院政府津貼。 李宏圖作為京劇新生代翹楚,天賦出眾勤奮過人,以英武俊美的扮相、瀟灑大方的臺風、高亢甜美的嗓音和文武兼?zhèn)涔Ψ蛟鷮嵉膵故煅菁?,贏得業(yè)內(nèi)外人士的一致好評,是當今中青年京劇實力派明星群體中最活躍,觀眾聲望最高的葉派小生名宿之一。以下進行部分展品展示Some of the marterpieces from the exhibition14 sections 120 jewelsFor the first time the history of Italian 20th Century jewels Jewels“made in Italy”Twentieth-Century Italian Jewels and JewellersCollier de chien, Settepassi, Florence, 1905 platinum, gold, diamonds, Private collectionNecklace with pendant, Mario Buccellati, Milan - Rome, 1930, white gold, diamonds, pearls; Private collectionEtruscan Style Necklace, Ascione, Naples, 1906, gold, coral; Museo del corallo Ascione, NaplesThe ?garland? styleMario Buccellati Neo Historicism Tiara prototype, Edoardo Saronni, Milan, 1905 ca, silver, pearl, glass stones; Private collectionEvening watch, Alfredo Ravasco, Milan, 1920s, platinum, diamonds, black suede, Milan; Gioielleria Chiaravalli, Milan Brooch ,Anonymus, Italy, 1930s, platinum, diamonds, sapphire; Private collection1930sArt DécoArt Nouveau Bracelet, Cazzaniga, Rome,1940, pink gold, white gold, diamonds, citrine; Private collection 1960s Brooch, Cazzaniga, Rome, 1960, yellow gold, white gold, pink gold, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies, pink, coral; Private collection1940s / 1950sANTONIO CANOVAGRACE AND BEAUTYMasterpieces from the Museo Civico di Bassano del GrappaThree dancers, the central figure holds a tambourine mixed technique on canvas, 65 x 75 cm 1805-1806 Self-PortraitMuseo Civico di Bassano del GrappaIdeal head of Elena 1816-1817 plaster cast, 62 cm (h)Model the funerary monument, never produced, for his friend John Frank Newton 1794 plaster model, 62 x 62 cm The exhibition aims to present to the public the most real and authentic image of Caravaggio and his numerous followers, according to the results established by recent critics, that highlights the profane aspect of Merisi and his disciples, developed in parallel with the official one, dedicated to sacred subjects.CARAVAGGIO profanoThe profane CARAVAGGIOMichelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Bacco coronato di pampini / Bacchus crowned with vine leaves olio su tela / oil on canvas, 95 × 85 cm Firenze, Galleria degli UffiziMichelangelo Merisi da CaravaggioRagazzo morso da un ramarro / Boy Bitten by a Lizardolio su tela / oil on canvas, 65,8 cm × 52,3 cm Firenze, Fondazione LonghiMichelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio e collab.Ortaggi, frutta e fiori / Vegetables, fruits and flowersRoma, Galleria BorgheseMichelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Ritratto di Paolo V / Portrait of Pope Paul V Roma, Palazzo BorgheseGiorgio de Chirico (10 July 1888 – 20 November 1978) in the years before World War I founded the scuola metafisica art movement, which profoundly influenced the surrealists.After 1919, he became interested in traditional painting techniques, and worked in a neoclassical or neo-Baroque style, while frequently revisiting the metaphysical themes of his earlier work.Chirico's style also influenced several filmmakers, particularly in the 1950s through1970s. Among them Paul Grimault, Valerio Zurlini and Michelangelo Antonioni.GIORGIO DE CHIRICOThe Delightful Playfulness of Neometaphysical ArtArchaeologists, 1968Oil on canvas, 84.5 x 64.5 cmFondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, Rome (Inv. 94)The Secret of the Muses, 1972Pencil, charcoal and watercolour on cardboard, 50 x 40 cmFondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, Rome (Inv. D22)The Prodigal Son, 1975Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cmFondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, Rome (Inv. 306)Prima SezioneMichelangeloe la CasaBuonarrotiMICHELANGELO BUONARROTIManifattura di Cafaggiolo Piatto con stemma della famiglia Buonarroti maiolica, ? cm 27,7inv. 79 MichelangeloStudi di torso per la “Battaglia di Cascina” matita nera, penna, mm 285x213inv. 9 FMichelangeloStudi di torso per la “Battaglia di Cascina” matita nera, penna, mm 285x213inv. 9 FBotticelli, Beato Angelico, Filippo Lippi, Tiepolo Piero della Francesca, Ghirlandaio, Pontormo...Masterworks from the Fondazione Cini – VeniceSPLENDORE ITALIANOGiotto (bottega di)Due Apostolitempera su tavola, cm 42,5 x 32F. Giorgio Cini, Galleria di Palazzo Cini, inv. 40060Giunta PisanoCroce processionale con Cristo patiens/Cristo triumphans (recto/verso) tempera e argento su tavola, cm 58,5 × 41,5Fondazione Cini, GalleriTaddeo GaddiSan Giovanni Evangelista assunto in cielotempera e oro su tavola, cm 33 × 36Fond. Giorgio Cini, Galleria di Palazzo Cini, inv. 40004bTaddeo GaddiSan Giovanni Ev. beve dalla coppa avvelenata tempera e oro su tavola, cm 33 × 36,7Fond.Giorgio Cini, Galleria di Palazzo Cini, inv. 40004a以上是對部分展品的簡單介紹,更多內(nèi)容請聯(lián)系我們 Contact us中意博聯(lián)(北京)國際文化傳播有限公司China-Italy Museum League (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd.地址:北京市朝陽區(qū)姚家園南路1號惠通時代廣場5號院 100123Address: Huitong Office Park, Courtyard, 5, No. 1, Yaojiayuan South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing電話:86 10 85510928 傳真: 86 10 85511098Website: www.ciml.org.cnEmail: ciml@ciml.org.cnNever end Just start每個項目的結(jié)束都是全新的開始我們對于文化事業(yè)的熱誠從未停止